Mistakes in Lead Generation That Marketers Should Avoid and How to Correct Them

Lead Generation Mistakes

A website should be the foundation of any digital marketing plan because it is frequently the first engagement customers have with a brand.

Why aren’t most websites focusing on the key content if they are so crucial? Having a website that is continuously working for you as opposed to just having a digital brochure is a significant difference.

Sometimes all we need is a decent filter to help us see things more clearly and determine where the most significant changes can be made. The most typical website errors we encounter are listed below, along with instructions on how to correct them.

Messaging Errors

Applying unclear language

Visitors to your website are looking for information about WHAT you DO and how you might alleviate a specific pain point they are experiencing. Frequently, information is written and presented in a way that is confusing to visitors but makes perfect sense to internal stakeholders. Things can easily get excessively convoluted. Users will leave your website without fully understanding what you do or how you can assist them, which is a missed opportunity.

How can it be fixed?

Keep it simple, please! Make sure your writing is precise, focused on the user’s issue, and clear. Remember that simple language are usually preferable, even if what you do is complex.

Not Creating Skimmable Content

Do you truly believe that visitors to your website take the time to read every single word there? People typically skim your content in today’s fast-paced culture. When people view lengthy passages of writing, they feel intimidated and distant. It’s perhaps possible that facing such a difficult process made them lose interest and leave your page.

How can it be fixed?

Keep users from having to think. Make text that is easily readable and supported by visual cues like icons or images. Make it simple for your visitor to grasp what they should do to assist in resolving their issue! Consider your user’s perspective. Will what you are writing help them on their journey? Or is it resolving a problem with bureaucracy within your company?

You refuse to welcome the visitor

It’s simple to get sucked into explaining your methods and methods to the consumer. But keep in mind the cliché about cocktail parties: Nobody wants to hang out with someone who is just interested in talking about themselves.

You should have a clear knowledge of what the visitor is attempting to do when they visit your site before writing any of the site copy. So, aid them in their travels.

Be very clear about how you can help and what the consequence of inaction would be for them because they have probably come to your website because you can help them with a very particular problem they are having.

How can it be fixed?

Create copy that makes it easier for you to identify with your visitor’s problems. Produce materials that aid in their further diagnosis and offer practical solutions. Last but not least, try to address as many queries in blog entries that are solution-focused. Your users will trust you more and eventually make purchases from you if you can establish yourself as a helpful resource for them.

User Experience Mistakes

The Call to Action is obscured

Your website’s pages should all have a single objective. Your appeals to action should emphasise this objective.

One of the simplest ways to raise your site’s conversion rate is to limit your Calls to Action (CTAs) to one per page (including the one in your navigation), however this tactic is frequently disregarded. On every page of your website, provide your visitors with a clear action they may take. It should be clear what they should do next, whether it’s a button that leads to your contact information or a form to schedule a demo.

How can it be fixed?

Consider carefully the one action you want visitors to perform after viewing a particular web page when you are first planning that page. After there, check to see if the sections on that single page are assisting users in choosing to do that activity.

Consider adding a specific button to the right of the navigation menu if you need to make a quick modification so that your main call to action is present and consistent on all of your site’s pages.

Leaving Insufficient White Space

One of the most frequent errors we notice in web design is not leaving enough white space.

One of the most crucial components in contemporary website design is white space, which is the space that exists between headings, photos, sections, and other items on your website.

White space offers your content room to breathe and helps the visitor concentrate on the page’s most crucial components. You can organically direct the user’s attention to particular regions of your page when used in conjunction with design features like high-contrast language.

How can it be fixed?

Whitespace is your buddy because it will only help your content to be more clearly understood. Avoid trying to fit the entirety of your website onto a single page or section. Trim down your content as much as you can to make it as skimmable and concise as possible. It’s okay to leave some “extra” white space between elements.

Navigation that is cluttered or inconsistent

Nothing can be important when you consider everything to be important. The main navigation on your website is no different. Making it as simple as possible for the user to reach the most pertinent second page of their journey is the main goal of the main menu on your website.

Hick’s Law states that a person will take longer to make a decision the more options they are given. That doesn’t mean you should eliminate all of your options; rather, you should limit them to the most crucial ones available to them at that precise moment.

How can it be fixed?

Allow your users to suggest the features they want. Look closely at your analytics to determine what your visitors are clicking on and how they are using your website. Can you tidy up anything to speed up or ease their journey?

Errors in Search Engine Optimisation

One of the main ways that users who are unfamiliar with your brand will visit your website is through search engine optimisation (SEO). You’re losing out on a significant source of new leads if you don’t invest any time or money into optimising your website for search engines.

Absence of a Keyword Strategy

Google learns what value you provide users through keywords. It indicates what you do, what you’re an expert in, and when search results should show your information.

Your website would be like a taco stall without a sign if it had no keywords. Since they are unaware of you, no one will stop to buy your tacos. A keyword strategy is how you may get in front of your clients in the digital world and earn their trust before they ever engage you in conversation. Similar to free samples, which everyone enjoys.

How can it be fixed?

Start by developing a keyword strategy and writing blogs that are pertinent to your audience. These shouldn’t be advertisements; instead, they should benefit and benefit the reader. With SEO, it can take three to six months to see results, but if you stick with it, your material will start to move up the search engine results pages.

Mobile Enhancement

Because they are aware of how much of the internet is accessed through the devices we hold in our hands, Google is concerned with how your website appears on mobile. Your website must provide mobile visitors with the same level of service as desktop users in order to rank with authority.

One of the most important components, according to Google, is tap targets. Your mobile site should have adequate space between buttons, links, and form components to make it as accessible as feasible for users.

How can it be fixed?

For the purpose of assisting website owners in figuring out how to enhance their sites, Google offers a tool known as a Lighthouse Report. Run a report on your website, then look at the options to make it more mobile-friendly and get to work! Frequently, all that is required of a development team is to simply resize an element.

Images Not Resizing

It will be a large file when you download a raw stock photo or even a picture from your phone. If you add that to your website in its current state, it will take longer for pages to load and be heavier overall.

How can it be fixed?

Before uploading photos to your website, resize and compress them. As a general guideline, keep photos to 100KB or less each.

Adding extra plugins and third-party code to your website

Many websites that people have tried but are no longer using have outdated and pointless code on them, as we have seen. items like pop-up add-ons, heatmap software, chatbots, etc. Your page will load more slowly and have a lot more javascript weight thanks to this additional code.

How can it be fixed?

Eliminate outdated code and make sure all of your present tools are still being used by evaluating them.

Errors in Performance

Nothing responsive

Today, users of your website access it through desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. You will always have users viewing your site from all three of these sources, even though the ratio will change depending on the industry and area.

Making a mobile website specifically for users who access your website from their phones was popular for a while. These are still widely used by many websites to provide a clear and simple website on a small screen.

Mobile websites simply didn’t offer the necessary experience as more and more people began viewing websites from their phones and as more and more devices and screen sizes were developed. Additionally, building a mobile website is like building a second website, which is not very economical.

A flexible website is necessary in today’s industry due to the broad range of screen sizes available. “Responsive” refers to the way your website content will change according on the size of the screen being used to show it.

How can it be fixed?

Smaller screen sizes will always require adjustments, but some designs and features are simply unusable on mobile. Ensure that responsiveness is a consideration in the design of your website. Some elements simply don’t function properly on different screen sizes and shouldn’t be used at all. However, some elements are already good and only require minor adjustments to function properly on smaller screens. Make sure your designer is responsiveness-aware and can provide you advice on how to incorporate it into your design in the most effective way.

Not monitoring the performance of your website

You’d be shocked at how many websites we come across that don’t have any kind of analytics installed. A website is not a project you can “set it and forget.” You should test and assess what is most effective and popular with your target audience if you want them to perform at their peak.

How can it be fixed?

There are numerous tools available to monitor the performance of your website. But if you’re just getting started, Google Analytics is among the simplest to set up. Installing Google Analytics as soon as you can will enable it to begin collecting data that you can then analyse and utilise to guide the optimisation of your website.


Be active! The general usability of your website can be significantly impacted by even one of these modifications. Prioritise the internal goals your team has for your website, just like you would when establishing the objectives of your pages.

By Kalaiselvan

Kalaiselvan is an SEO expert who is passionate about building strategies that not only provide a great user experience but also drive revenue growth. He started in 2014, when he started building a WordPress SEO, site migration, and VPS server-side. He uses his experience in marketing, advertising, and customer service to create strong relationships not only with her clients but with their audience as well. Outside of working hours, I used to travel to the mountains, which gave me a peaceful mind.

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