Kuvilam Blog

Category: Meta Tags

  • Meta Tags Analyzer | Kuvilam Tools

    Meta Tags Analyzer | Kuvilam Tools

    A meta tags analyzer is a tool that evaluates the meta tags of a given web page to ensure they’re optimized for search engines. This tool fetches the meta tags from a URL and then provides feedback on their effectiveness, length, relevance, and more. Here’s a step-by-step guide to building a basic meta tags analyzer:…

  • Meta Tags – How Google Meta Tags Impact SEO

    Meta Tags – How Google Meta Tags Impact SEO

    What Are Meta Tags? – Definition of Meta Tags Meta tags are text snippets that describe a page’s content; they only appear in the source code of a page, not on the actual page. Meta tags are simply tiny content descriptors that assist in describing to search engines the subject matter of a web page.…

  • How Are Title Tags Used? How Do They Help SEO?

    How Are Title Tags Used? How Do They Help SEO?

    While often referred to as one, the title tag technically isn’t a meta tag, but it is an HTML tag that goes in the page’s <head>. The only real difference between a title tag and a real meta tag is that title tags are required page elements according to the W3C. Meta tags are optional. Title…