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Content Workflow

Content Workflow Strategies for Efficient Content Creation

Content workflows are the actions that an individual or content team must take to complete a piece of content.

Define the roles, responsibilities, and documentation of the several procedures involved in the content generating process.

Web copy, blog entries, newsletters, and even social media content are a few examples.

Time for content marketing is better than ever. whatever industry your business operates in.

80% of marketers said that content marketing would be crucial to their marketing plans in 2022.

This presents both an opportunity and a difficulty for content marketers. Although content marketing is far more accountable, it is also much more visible.

Why is a content workflow necessary?

Content Workflow follows a predictable procedure, just like any other business activity. You need to follow a set of actions, rinse them off, and repeat them in order to produce material regularly.

Improve the productivity and efficiency of your process by managing and documenting it. You can even want to automate some of the tasks if it makes sense for your company.

Here are some things you can accomplish thanks to your content workflow documentation:

Determine the topic. ‍

There is always a trend to hunt for original topics to knock through the buzz when it comes time to get specific with topic suggestions.

Contrary to common belief, the best strategy is to identify the topics that your target audiences are most interested in learning more about.

Here are three methods for choosing topics that will best meet the demands of your audience:

The book titles listed on Amazon and Goodreads are replete with exciting works that readers are actively reviewing.

Look for popular topics and questions on community forums and social media sites where users and influencers congregate, such as Quora, Reddit, Instagram, and YouTube.

For each topic you choose, compile a list of motivating, instructive, and useful angles. 

Use the tools for topic research, Google Trends, Answer the Public, and BuzzSumo to automate the idea generation process.

Find your target keywords

Manually selecting anchor and long-tail keywords for articles is time-consuming.

Content marketers using tools like SEMRUsh, Ahrefs, and Google Keyword Planner.

They provide links to rival articles that are currently ranking for these keywords in addition to providing a comprehensive list of keywords ranked by search volume and difficulty score.

Write the brief

The content brief is essential for the author to produce a work that satisfies all technical requirements while also adding the extra something that makes for interesting reading.

However, crafting a strong brief takes time—possibly hours. It would probably take days to produce thoughtful briefs for each writer on each topic.

On the other hand, spending lots of money on a strong brief leads to an extensive choice of reworks, which naturally adds time and expense.

Content marketers shouldn’t have to choice between matching the brief and editing writer submissions since it’s a deadly loop.

You can concentrate on the brief if you use auto-populate links.

To aid the author in understanding the article’s entire scope, include a section listing possible queries readers might have about the topic and that the post should try to address.

Also Read: What is rewriting strategy? How can I rewrite an article?

Assign the brief

Managing writer deliveries at scale can very quickly become confusing and lead to lost weeks if the wrong writer is assigned the wrong brief.

  • Is the author an authority on this topic?
  • Are they adept at demystifying difficult subjects?
  • Have they already written long-form content?

Also Read: Plagiarism Checker Professionals Should Have In Mind

Process for creating content

Increasing the number of content producers, whether they are employed by the company or work as freelancers, can increase content production, but it also makes it more difficult to maintain the brand voice across many creators, campaigns, channels, and forms.

Research the topic

It can be difficult for writers to strike a balance between technical precision, subject matter knowledge, and creative writing.

It is unreasonable to expect independent contractors with several assignments to devote hours of research to fully grasp the context and nuances of each article they write.

To understand the topic more quickly, ask your writers to view videos or listen to podcasts of subject-matter experts.

To ensure that your authors are spending their time on high-quality content you have previously evaluated, use tools like Pocket to collect and share the best research-worthy stuff with them.

Make an outline before writing the article.

Because their in-depth insights offer a competitive advantage, particularly with longer pieces, content marketers frequently choose to engage with subject matter experts who may not necessarily be editorial grade writers. 

However, even if the information is accurate, the readability and flow of the final product may require extensive editing.

  • Break down each component of the lengthy piece into heads and sub-heads by looking through the tables of contents of several excellent articles and books on the same subject.
  • Agendas for industry conferences are frequently an excellent source of suggestions for how to organize a topic.
  • To create an outline that completely covers your topic, use time-tested lateral thinking techniques like mind maps.

Edit and improve

A human editorial review is necessary whether the content is produced by a human or a machine, especially for lengthy articles.

Editorial assessments, albeit time-consuming, can also be subject to subjectivity and result in further reworks.

Today, it’s also possible to obtain a smart writing and editing assistance who will actually raise the level of writing the content workflow.


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