Kuvilam Blog

Online Plagiarism

Online Plagiarism: How to Spot It and Avoid It

The internet has changed significantly from being a luxury to a necessity. Nowadays, the internet contains solutions for every question you may possibly have. The internet has spoiled us all with its abundance of information, including thousands of articles and reams of data on every subject.

Although the tremendous amount of stuff available online is beneficial for users, it also makes it nearly hard to monitor and authenticate any individual piece of information.

Online plagiarism is already annoying, but it gets worse when search engines favour the plagiarized information over the genuine.

Originality is threatened by content theft, but one can always fight back with the aid of the internet.

In the modern era, one may not only easily identify plagiarism but also take preventative steps to safeguard their work.

Here are 3 ways to spot plagiarism online:

Search for your article’s title on Google:

One of the simplest ways to identify content theft is to just Google the title of your post. Most often, those who plagiarize content are so stupid that they forget to change the article’s title.

There is a good possibility that an article is plagiarized if two of them have the same title. One can quickly determine whether the content has been stolen by googling a specific title.

Configure Google Alerts:

In an effort to hide plagiarism, online content thieves occasionally alter blog post names. It can be challenging to spot plagiarism by reading each and every article on a certain topic given the abundance of material available online.

Google Alerts can be used as a tool to spot pirated content instead. By creating a Google Alert, one may tell Google what to search for, what kinds of websites to look for, and other information.

Google Alerts can email a notification if it discovers that content has been stolen.

Utilize plagiarism detectors

Using one of the many free online plagiarism checkers is another effective method for detecting plagiarism online. When unsure whether an essay or blog post is plagiarised, plagiarism checkers make the determination simple. Any piece of text can be checked for plagiarism with our writing tool.

One can employ a variety of web solutions that safeguard content from theft to prevent plagiarism. Useful plugins, such as the WP Content Copy Protection plugin, can be found for authors who utilise the WordPress content management system.

These plugins make it impossible to select items and copy text from the article. Additionally, they forbid the downloading of photographs and even turn off the website’s right-click function. These safeguards make it very challenging for content thieves to duplicate their work across many web platforms.

Eradicating copied material

In order to remove stolen content off the internet, one can take the following steps:

Make a record of the content theft:

First and foremost, make sure that the page URL and publication date are displayed in all screenshots of the stolen content. the original content, and then take similar screenshots of it. One can quickly determine which article is the original by contrasting these screenshots, and one can also tell whether the information has been plagiarized.

To the website administrator, please send the following message:

Write to the website owner or administrator to alert them to the copyright violation once the necessary evidence has been acquired. Send them evidence of the plagiarism and ask them to remove the stolen work.

Ask the host administrator and DMCA for assistance:

The matter can be raised to the host administrator if the plagiarized item is not removed despite repeated requests.

Even better, one might email the site administrator a DMCA (The Digital Millennium Copyright Act Takedown Services and Website Content Protection) takedown notice.

The ISP may remove the content and take legal action against the website if the site owner disregards the notice.


Utilizing anti-plagiarism software can help you create original academic content. Select the equipment with the best reviews. These tools will give you the highest levels of individuality and are mostly free.

For more information, read some of our previous blog posts on plagiarism.


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