Kuvilam Blog

Places to Publish Articles

10 Best Places to Publish Articles

Publishing material exclusively on one channel, typically their websites, is one of the biggest blunders marketers do with their content. But with such little exposure, there will be little visibility and, eventually, little progress. The greatest exposure for your material is ideal if you want to produce excellent content in the first place.

You’ll want it to get the most exposure and exposure to the biggest possible audience. After all, what good is writing material and publishing it online if no one reads it? To optimise exposure and visibility, this entails releasing your work on as many online channels and platforms as you can.

This frequently entails reusing and reposting the content on many platforms. Articles can be published in a variety of places. Some of which you might not have thought about utilising yet, but which might be rather helpful for your articles.

Why do people share?

Why would you ever decide to write and publish a blog post or an article? The solution is rather straightforward: for people to read it and interact with it.

Therefore, it is crucial to understand where to post your blog, whether you are writing new content or recycling some of your older entries. One of the best ways to get exposure for your website and business is to post your content.

Additionally, greater exposure increases visibility, which guarantees better outcomes. Before looking for sites to distribute your content, you must make sure that it is relevant and adheres to Google’s on-page SEO guidelines.

The best SEO tools are those that help you prepare your content for search engines. Utilizing the greatest content-driven tactics, optimise your material by making it SEO-friendly.

Also Read: How Keyword Intent Can Increase Your Conversion Rate

The Top 10 Sites for Publishing Articles

One of the most popular and efficient ways to produce targeted traffic is by writing and publishing articles and blog posts on commercial and personal websites.

However, it is significantly more useful to publish informative content on other resource pages and around the internet. It can, however, be incredibly competitive.

Here are the top 10 content publishing platforms you can utilise right now if you’re ready to spread your material more widely and increase traffic and interactions to your website.

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Your Own Blog

To get their material online and in front of people, most businesses probably use this medium the most frequently. However, that assumes your company has one already. Your website will gain reputation, authority, and traffic if you regularly create and post blogs.

Additionally, you will be supplying seed content that can fuel future content marketing in your posts and expand audiences across many platforms.

When opposed to other content publishing platforms, having your own business or personal website gives you greater operational and managerial control over what you can do with your content.

You must become an expert on your website if you are serious about honing your blogging abilities and growing your business.

To ensure that your audience can interact with and share your material on their social media accounts, only produce pertinent, instructional, and informative content.

Social Media

Social networking is already a fantastic tool for marketing and sales. The numerous capabilities it provides journal editors, however, make it even more alluring.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn users who are also editors are aware of the power of social media when used properly. Noting that not all social media sites were developed equally is also important.

As a result, some social media platforms might be more advantageous to your company than others. Knowing which social media platforms can give your content the extra boost it needs to get seen by more people is important.


You can always make an update to your Facebook page whenever you submit content to your blog, for instance, and link back to it using teaser text. To increase engagement from your target audience even further, you may also employ photos and meta tags. The goal of posting on Facebook is to increase the number of people who see your message.


One of the best social media channels for reaching a larger audience is Twitter. The best thing about Twitter is that you can tweet, retweet, and repeat the process to give your tweet the most exposure possible.

Publishing Platform for LinkedIn

You can utilise the simple-to-use LinkedIn Publishing Platform to share your material with your fans and followers on LinkedIn. Your articles will not only be visible on the social media site itself but also be indexed by Google, which will help you rank higher.


Medium has continuously expanded since its 2022 debut to rank among the top blogging platforms worldwide. Its notoriety and appeal with the social media’s viral force have only increased its popularity.

As a result, you may anticipate tens of millions of monthly users who are eager to access your content on the platform.

After publishing a number of consistently excellent pieces over time, you begin to attract readers who will stick around for additional content. It functions more like YouTube’s subscription functionality.

You have two options when it comes to using Medium content again:

  • Republish some of your original blog entries to increase traffic and the visibility of your material.
  • Great content should be rewritten for the platform. Although it can take more effort now, doing this will increase your search presence and drive more traffic.

In either case, you can provide links inside your already-posted articles to your prior postings.

Press Release Newswire

When it comes to consuming material, one thing that never changes is people’s urge to stay up to date on news.

Nowadays, almost everyone reads and uses content found online. Press releases are not primarily used as SEO techniques, contrary to what most site administrators believe.

Many press releases serve as tools for credibility and branding. They serve as fantastic platforms for readers to spread the news more effectively about current events.

As a result, if your press release is interesting enough, you can utilise it to increase social signals, spark interest from foreign journalists, encourage sharing, and direct more focused and organic traffic.

A press release gives you the opportunity to spread even more information about your company and its products in a moral and journalistic way that prioritises newsworthiness and branding over social media, SEO, and other factors.

Email Newsletter

Another great venue for producing content that you can utilise to market your content online is email. Email continues to be seen as the “Oldie but Goldie” marketing and promotion tactic that still has a lot of clout.

Along with being more devoted to your brand, you discover that email subscribers are 3.9 times more likely than visitors from other sources to share your posts on social media.

Additionally, you’ll discover that click-through rates on emails are frequently higher than those on social media sites. According to several studies, your material is six times more likely to be clicked on from an email message than from an internet tweet.

Due to this, email marketing is one of the greatest channels for sharing information about your website with your target market and publishing articles.

Community Websites

Over time, community platforms have also grown in popularity and enjoy significant favouring from Google and other search engines. They are thus yet another fantastic venue on which to publish your material.

You should think about publishing your material on some of the top online community sites, such as:


One of the most popular question-and-answer websites available today is Quora. By merely responding to people’ questions and imparting your knowledge to them online, the platform can draw in additional niche traffic.

The only place where you can be sure that a much larger audience will see your information is on Quora.

To use Quora, you must provide pertinent and understandable responses to some of the questions posed by your target audience. In other words, you must provide real value to the platform’s users.

It’s a great opportunity to share key themes from some of your most recent articles with them in the form of questions and answers. You can: To increase the visibility of your responses

  • To increase interaction, include one or more pertinent photos.
  • Avoid appearing to be self-promotional.
  • When responding directly to inquiries from your target audience, exercise caution.


Reddit has more than 330 million users, which is almost as many as Twitter. However, you cannot simply get on and post your material in the hopes that it will reach your target audience and be read by them.

Prior to using the platform, you must establish a history with it by participating in the Reddit community and earning karma.

Some subreddits are distinct communities that concentrate more on specific subject areas. Most sites only let you publish links when you have established your worth and attain a certain karma score.

You must abide by the posting guidelines on subreddits as well if you don’t want to get blocked. When you can distribute links, you should exercise restraint. You can also distribute other people’s work.

Guest Post

A great place to publish your writings is a blog, as the majority of them routinely post content from their guest writers. Therefore, go ahead and submit a guest post if you are willing to do the legwork.

One of your best long-term sources of traffic might be this. Additionally, it can increase your authority while exposing you to new audiences. Make sure you set aside time and read several articles that appeal to and can be sold to those audiences.

Check to discover if the website where you will be posting as a guest publishes articles frequently and what their procedure is for posting articles from guest authors.

The nice thing about guest posting is that, because the majority of guest posts are typically low-quality and of poor quality, it’s not necessarily tough to stand out.

The likelihood that your content will be published on the website is extremely high if you can provide high-quality content as a guest contributor.


Another excellent site for publishing material is Flipboard. As soon as you can, start using it to your advantage. Create a publisher account, then submit your blog’s RSS feed to use the platform.

To fill the platform with pertinent content, you can also establish numerous content categories called magazines. You will begin to receive referral traffic from the platform if you consistently and frequently publish content. And that was all. Regular visitors will read your material and increase traffic.

The platform is enormous, with 196 countries represented and well over 100 million active monthly users. It’s safe to claim that your work has an audience. You merely need to produce and distribute information that appeals to them and gets their attention.

Google My Business Posts

It’s likely that you already have a GMB account for your company if you already have a website that is well-established. Well, using GMB Posts, this is among the ideal venues to publish articles and blog posts.

Go to Post > Add Update after signing into your GMB account. Start writing your article after that, then add a picture and connect it to your most recent entry.

As a result, anytime a visitor searches for your company on Google, they will also discover and read your most recent post, increasing traffic to your website.


If you want to increase the traffic and visibility of your material, SlideShare is not a content channel you should overlook. Making use of this platform is likewise not too difficult.

You upload your presentation, which you may have made using Keynote, Google Presentations, or PowerPoint, to the platform for publishing online content, and you begin driving some traffic back to your website.

You may use SlideShare to transform your information into professional presentations for the platform’s business users.


The top 10 websites to publish articles are listed above. You probably won’t want to submit articles for free to every website on this list, though.

However, by distributing your posts across as many channels as you can, this list offers you a wide selection of content publishing platforms and opportunities that can help you increase your visibility, exposure, and outcomes.

Don’t just sit back and wait for SEO to drive traffic to your website once you’ve written a great post for it online. On these networks, you can share and publish it to broaden its visibility and audience even more. Utilize the aforementioned content publishing platforms to streamline your workflow.


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