There are a number of different approaches that you can take in order to reclaim and improve the amount of traffic that you receive from Google Discover if you have noticed that it has decreased. The following are some of the steps that you can take:
Both the Quality and the Relevance of the Content
Make sure that your material is of a good quality and that it is relevant to the audience you are trying to reach. Carry out an analysis of the information you already have and pinpoint any places that could use some work. Ensure that your articles are optimized by checking that they contain helpful information, that they are properly written, and that they are in line with the interests of the audience you are trying to reach.
Perform an Analysis of Performance Metrics
Investigate the data on your website to look for recurring themes and tendencies that can explain the drop in traffic to your Discover page. Look for any particular pieces of content or subjects that have seen a decline in impressions or click-through rates (CTRs). Through conducting this analysis, you will be able to identify areas in need of improvement and formulate a content development strategy.
Optimize Headlines and Images
It is important that you give careful consideration to the headlines as well as the featured images that you utilize for your posts. It is possible to boost the likelihood that your material will be clicked on and read by writing headlines that are compelling and attention-grabbing. In addition, the use of graphics that are pertinent to the text that they accompany and are pleasing to the eye can make the information more clickable.
Utilize Structured Data Markup (SD Markup)
You may provide search engines with additional context about the material on your website by using structured data markup, which you can implement on your site. It is possible that the search engines will be able to better understand your material thanks to this markup, which may also boost its prominence in Google Discover.
Mix up the Different Types of Content
Explore a variety of content types through experimentation to attract a larger audience. Your content strategy can benefit from the addition of interactive components, films, podcasts, or infographics. If you diversify your content, you may appeal to a wider range of user demographics, which in turn increases the likelihood that Google Discover will highlight your publication.
Make your presence known on social media
Make use of different social media sites so that your content may be shared and interest can be generated. Build a following by interacting with your target demographic, taking part in communities that are pertinent to your field, and so on. If you increase the visibility of your material across social media platforms, you may be able to attract more traffic and even grab the attention of the algorithms that power Google Discover.
Optimize for Mobile Experience
It is absolutely necessary to optimize your website for mobile devices in light of the fact that Google Discover primarily caters to mobile consumers. Make sure that your website is accessible on mobile devices, that it loads quickly, and that it offers a smooth surfing experience. Not only is mobile optimization necessary for Google Discover, but it is also vital for the general enjoyment of users.
Establish Your Authority and Backlinks
Acquire backlinks of a high quality from credible websites that are relevant to your industry. Backlinks from reputable sources have the ability to raise the trustworthiness of your website as well as its exposure in search engine results, which could in turn lead to an increase in the amount of traffic coming from Discover. To increase backlinks and establish your authority in your niche, you might want to think about guest posting, forming alliances, or using influencer collaborations.
Observe and Make Adjustments
Maintain constant vigilance over your website’s analytic data, paying particular attention to Discover’s performance indicators. You should routinely evaluate your strategy, make improvements based on the data you collect, and conform to the ever-changing preferences and algorithms of Google Discover.
Keep in mind that it will take some time and persistent effort in order to recoup and increase Discover’s traffic. You may improve your chances of getting more traffic from Google Discover if you implement these methods and maintain your dedication to providing material that is both of high quality and relevance.