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SEO strategy

SEO Strategy In A Six-Dimensional Approach

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important aspect of digital marketing in both technical and non-technical methods to show up your website that matches to the relevant keywords. So every webmaster’s goal is to take their website to the top rank in a search engine SERP page. This brings more challenges to the webmaster as well as the search engines according to their own business goals. The webmaster aims to acquire top rank in SERP whereas the search engines are aiming to show only the quality results to their users according to their keywords, this creates the competition to approach the SEO in a unique way.

What is the need to prepare a unique SEO strategy?

Since the search engine algorithms are becoming more productive to their user day by day.

Some of the restrictions are implemented to filter out the irrelevant web pages from getting top ranks in SERP. We are in need to approach the SEO strategy in a unique and better way to match the algorithm updates. Some of the techniques that were resulted well for your business earlier may not help now.

Even some techniques are outdated but there are some new techniques to approach and drive traffic to your website.

These are the best SEO strategy techniques that will keep your brand in the top order. I strongly believe that these are the six dimensions of SEO.

Website speed

The website speed is an important factor of SEO strategy; it is advisable to maintain your website loading speed within 5 seconds to retain your visitor to stay on your website. Earlier it was not an issue and even the low-speed websites enjoyed the top ranks but now they can’t since the search engines want to be more friendly and productive to their user.

To achieve this, it is highly recommended to compress all your data by using Gzip compression, minify and compress all your CSS and JavaScript files, Image optimization. If your website contains heavy media files then go for the CDN (Content Delivery Network) this will reduce 90% of your loading problems.

Apart from this it is more recommended to have an AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) version of your website for better loading speed in mobile phones. Since over 2.1 billion people’s access internet through their mobile phone it becomes important to have an AMP version rather than sticking with responsive websites, Yes I agree it’s good to have a responsive website but it is more important to have an AMP version for the betterment of future SEO strategy survival this will reduces bounce rates and increase conversions rate.

Also Read: 10 Ways to Boost Website Speed

Structured Data Markup

To provide a better result to the users, search engines are in need to understand the website content in a better way not just by crawling but it really trying to understand the contextual meaning of the web page content. The semantic search will rule the internet searching technology in the future which is capable of handling the voice search, this will urge the importance of the Structured Data Markup implementation for your website.

Also Read: Structured Data Markup To Improve Your Website SEO Rank

Identify the conversion blocking areas

Many people may wonder how to move further after a certain level of rank after a lot of hard work. If you are one of them so, here you need to start your smart work. Implement the Heat Map to your website and find out the areas where most of the clicks are vanishing. Identify the area and analysis what makes the problem in converting the click to sale or enquires. This will reduce the bounce rate and improve the conversion rate.

In another case if there is no problem then it is advisable to make an experiment by conduction the A/B test, definitely, this will help to solve your problem you can use the Google Optimize tool to conduct the A/B testing. This will Increase your ROI in an optimized manner.

Use the long tail Keywords

What makes the use of long tail keyword? It is very easy to answer the question in SEO point of the way since every person’s way of speech will not be the same and their way of the search may differ for the same product. So this makes sense to use the long tail keyword, for example, if a person needs to buy a dress through online then he may search in many ways like ‘dress’, ‘party wear’, ‘blue jacket’, ‘blue jacket with white stripes’. So from this, it is easily understandable that people use the long tail keywords to search their products online.

So it becomes important to analyze the search volume for the keywords like dress, this gives what are the keywords used for searching the products based on the region. Especially focusing the region of your service limit will help for higher conversion rate.

Also Read: Keyword Ranking Fluctuations – How to improve them?

Content Marketing

Recently Google has announced that higher page rank will be given for the unique content website. This clearly shows that quality content is the king of SEO factors. However, it is a best practice to write the content by including the focusing keywords in the content and maintain the keyword density for each focusing keywords it is good to maintain the keyword density as 2.5%.

The best practice to place the keywords in the website is title tag, heading tag, and in each paragraph.

Implementing the rich snippet in the appropriate place will help to give better results. For example, if you want to show your content for particular queries like how to, what are. Then go for the featured snippet box techniques this will bring lots of visits to your site. There are many parameters to optimize the featured snippet box make a research and optimize it for a better result.

Content marketing is in many forms like infographics, guest blogging and video marketing can add some values to your site.

Also Read: Importance of Content Marketing

Social Media Integration

The smartphone usage helps everyone to interact socially especially the facebook has a wide range of users in all age group. Research says on average of 3 to 4 hours a day people are engaged in their social media. This shows clearly the social presence of your brand is unavoidable this could be extended to reach your customers day to day life which creates brand awareness. Thus, reducing the cost of marketing through other traditional Medias like Televisions, Radios. Today 95% of the marketers use the social media to create brand awareness and keep track of their customer expectations and trends based on the demographic data.

Even the social Medias has brought the advertisement platform with the actual interest data of the users, this will lead to successful advertisement channel.


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