Kuvilam Blog

Tag: are

  • What is XML sitemap priority & sitemap change frequency & are they needed for SEO?

    XML sitemaps are files that help search engines comprehend the hierarchy and structure of a website’s content by listing the URLs of the pages on the website. These files are located in the root directory of the website. Priority and change frequency for XML sitemaps were originally included, but in today’s world, these aspects of…

  • How Are Title Tags Used? How Do They Help SEO?

    How Are Title Tags Used? How Do They Help SEO?

    While often referred to as one, the title tag technically isn’t a meta tag, but it is an HTML tag that goes in the page’s <head>. The only real difference between a title tag and a real meta tag is that title tags are required page elements according to the W3C. Meta tags are optional. Title…