Kuvilam Blog


  • Anchor Text As A Google Ranking Factor

    Anchor Text As A Google Ranking Factor

    Although essential for giving consumers context, is anchor text a factor in Google rankings? Here is a report on it. An SEO best practise for a long time has been keyword-rich anchor text. Considering that it allows you to inform search engines about the nature of the page your link is pointing to. Many people…

  • How to Hide Content Without Breaking Google’s Rules

    How to Hide Content Without Breaking Google’s Rules

    In order to display the website in the same manner as a user would, Google downloads JavaScript and CSS files. What people see (on a mobile device) must correspond with what the search engine sees. To simulate what a user may see, Google renders the website. To make content visible on the page, it may…

  • SEO Strategy In A Six-Dimensional Approach

    SEO Strategy In A Six-Dimensional Approach

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important aspect of digital marketing in both technical and non-technical methods to show up your website that matches to the relevant keywords. So every webmaster’s goal is to take their website to the top rank in a search engine SERP page. This brings more challenges to the webmaster as…

  • On Page SEO Factors

    On Page SEO Factors

    Search engine bots won’t be able to access all of the website’s content and components during the initial crawl. In order to crawl the webpages, search engine algorithms have been defined in a particular way. Every website owner wants their pages to rank in the SERP, ideally on the first page, in order to improve…

  • What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

    What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

    New to SEO? Need to polish up your knowledge? The Beginner’s Guide to SEO has been read over 3 million times and provides comprehensive information you need to get on the road to professional quality Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? SEO is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility…

  • 4 Benefits Of Mobile Friendly Website

    4 Benefits Of Mobile Friendly Website

    The internet is rapidly changing, and it remains as an obvious reason to develop mobile friendly website. Nowadays, the users are accessing internet in various ways and mean that no one has imagined in this ten years. Mobile devices, watches, gaming devices, laptops, and tablets are increasingly popular and serving as a means for visitors…