Server Status Checker
Enter up to 100 URLs (Each URL must be on separate line)
You can use our testing tool for HTTP Server status codes to determine whether a website is live or not. Status codes are returned each and every time your browser makes a request to a website. If something goes wrong, your browser displays an error message, such as a 404 error.
Recognizing HTTP Status Code
- Status code 200: Good is OK. It indicates that the content for the URL you requested could be returned by your server.
- Status code 301: Moved Permanently signifies that the requested URL has changed locations permanently and that all future requests should be made at the new address.
- Status code 302: Found denotes that the server has discovered a temporary rerouting. Since this URL is only temporary, it should be used once more when the time comes.
- Because it is a temporary redirect and the same URL should be used again the following time, the 307 status code: Temporary Redirect is comparable to a 302.
- Status code 400: The term "bad request" merely denotes that the server misunderstood your request.
- Status code 401: When something is unauthorised, your server will not allow access to the material.
- If you receive a 403 status code, which signifies that access is forbidden, the server won't display the material to you.
- The familiar and annoying error 404 status code: Not Found may even be what you are looking for using our Server Status tool. The file you were seeking for cannot be located, according to this error code. To distinguish between valid and invalid URLs, search engines require a 404.
- Status code 410: Similar to 404, gone. It informs you that the URL you were seeking for was once there but is no longer available.
- 500 error code: Another annoyance that needs to be reported to your web host or system administrator is an internal server error. It implies that there is a problem with the server.
Continual server status monitoring has a number of advantages.
- Regularly using testing tools for server status monitoring allows for the early detection of any error and the prevention of minor problems from developing into larger ones.
- Inform users in advance of any software or hardware updates that are required.
- constantly keeping an eye on your server improved safety. Installing critical updates dramatically lowers the likelihood of malware and spam.